March 12, 2020

Windows 10 Virtual Desktop or TaskView Button - Windows 10 Tutorial

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Do you know about the new windows 10 virtual desktop feature? Actually, the virtual desktop is enabled by using the “TaskView” button, which is located in the windows 10 taskbar. The TaskView option is very much useful feature helps to create two or more virtual desktops for different tasks. This is post is part of Windows 10 tutorial showing how to enable the TaskView button and how to use it in your pc.

TaskView: Virtual Desktop in Windows 10

Taskview feature mainly enables the virtual desktops in windows 10 operating system. It is look same as the normal desktop, but you can add different apps or tasks as per your wish. It mainly helps to organize or grouping your different activities in the desktop. That is this feature enables the multitasking ability of windows 10 pc. You can create any number of desktops in it. In my opinion, do not create too many virtual desktop windows, because it will very difficult to manage them. Also read Windows 10 Start Menu.

Main applications of Taskview (virtual desktop) are:-
  1. Organize or grouping your works in different windows 10 virtual desktop ‘s
  2. Get more space for your desktop for easy use and improved productivity
  3. Enables Task separation and control over multitasking 

How to Enable Task View in Windows 10

Using Taskbar Menu

In the Windows 10 UI, the bottom bar is called taskbar. Move your mouse pointer to taskbar and click right button on it. Then you can see the taskbar menu. From that select “Show TaskView Button” option as shown in the figure.

Then you can see the TaskView button on the taskbar is shown below.

To disable it, follow the same procedure and uncheck the tick.

Keyboard Shortcode:  Windows button + Tab

How to Use Windows 10 Virtual Desktop

In the above tutorial, you could see how to enables the virtual desktop window button. Here I am going explain how to create virtual desktops and its usage in my terms.

Go to taskbar and click on the “TaskView” button.

By default, you can always see the original desktop. If you need to add new desktop, click on the bottom right corner “New Desktop” button as shown in the image.

This way you can easily create virtual desktop on windows 10 OS.

Keyboard Shortcode: “Windows button + Ctrl +D

I mainly use two desktop, one for grouping my professional work (mechanical design) and other for entertainment and social networking website.

When you click on the “taskview” button, you can see the enables desktops as in the above image. To switching to new desktop, just click using mouse.

Then add different task’s as per your requirement.

Keyboard Shortcode: “Windows Button + Ctrl + Left or Right arrow

How to Move One Task to another Virtual Desktop

To move one open task from one desktop to another, you need to first open the Taskview either using mouse or keyboard shortcode (Windows button + Tab).

Then click and hold the opened task as you need to move to another desktop. Simply drag it and place on the new desktop is shown in the image below.

This is all about windows 10 virtual desktop creation and usage. Below also provide shortcode keys for your keyboard to use this feature faster in touch or non-touch devices.

Keyboard Shortcode:
  • Windows + Tab – for activating the task view
  • Windows  + Ctrl +D - for Creating New Desktop
  • Windows  + Ctrl + F4 - for closing the current desktop.
  • Windows + Ctrl + Left or Right arrow - for switching between virtual desktops

Feel free to share your honest opinion about this windows 10 tutorial via comment or contact form. Thank you friends.

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