March 08, 2020

Windows 10 UI: New and Improved Start Menu

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With the new Windows 10 Upgrade, I got totally changed start menu with much improved and good looking as compared with Windows 7 as well as Windows 8 operating system. In windows 8 start menu buttons was completely eliminated, which affects user friendliness of this OS. It will slightly eliminate with windows 8.1 update, but the desktop filling view also makes problems with users.  

This post contains the start menu options introduction and uses of them explained. The detailed Windows 10 tutorials of each option are coming through the upcoming posts of Shout ME Tutorials.
The new Windows 10 user interface very first improvement is made to the start menu by combining the plus sides of both Windows 7 and 8 start menus. The position of start menu is not changed and you can find this button at the bottom left corner and just look like this.

The new Windows 10 Start Menu is just look like a website page with two columns. The sidebar is located at left side and right contains the apps tiles just like windows 8/8.1. Let us see the different portions and options contained in the start menu.

Windows 10 Start Menu: Account Control

At the Top left corner of your start menu, you can see your PC name or account name which is used to Log in to your PC. If you just click on the top of it, you can see the “change account settings”, “Lock”, and “sign out” options.

Change Account Settings: This is main control center of your log in account. Here you can set your profile photo, name, sign in methods, add additional users, work access and synchronize your setting with Microsoft account.

Lock: If you want to lock your screen without closing your desktop, select this option. It will shows the beautiful lock screen background and you can sign in your account only by entering password, if you set one for your account.

Sign Out: You can exit or log out from your windows 10 pc user account. It will direct to the sign in page.

Windows 10 Start Menu: Most Used Area

You can find the “Most Used” option at the left sidebar of your start menu, just below the account option. It shows the applications or windows programs which are most used for work or personal jobs. It is arranged one by one by the of most frequency sort technique.

Windows 10 Start Menu: File Explorer

The file explorer is just like the most used area. But the file explorer contains only the frequent used file locations. It is also categories into two sections; Pinned and Frequent. The pinned catgory helps to find the most used pinned file main folders and frequent contains the most frequently used files and folders. It will only shows, if you click on the side arrow of your “File Explorer”.

If you directly click on the this option, it will directed to your “My PC” option. That is replace of your “My Computer” option in the windows 7 os.

Windows 10 Start Menu: Settings

Do you heard about the Control panel option in both windows 7/8 os? If you not, Windows 10 replaces with “Settings” option. Here you can control the full windows 10 operating system with some restrictions. You can access system display, notification settings, power, apps installing/uninstalling, add or remove devices (mouse, keyboard etc), Network and internet control, Personalization, Accounts, Time and language, Ease of access, privacy, update and security settings. You will see each one of the settings tutorials in upcoming posts.

Windows 10 Start Menu: Power

The “Power” option helps to control your PC power on/off or hibernations. It contains three sub-options such as Sleep, Shutdown and Restart. The “Sleep” option enables to tempory closing of your display and help to save some battery power. The new windows 10 sleep option is the combination of both sleep and hibernate modes. It helps to save battery charge and when your pc is inactive without losing the work.

Windows 10 Start Menu: All Apps

This is last option of the start menu sidebar shows the all apps or programs installed in your windows 10 system. The apps are sorted with both numbers and English alphabets. You can also see the installed program folders and my system files through this option. The alphabetic categorizing will help to locate the apps as you need at the right time without any difficulties. It is a value addition for the user friendliness of windows 10.

Windows 10 Start Menu: Tiled Apps

In the windows 10 startmenu, you can see the “Tiled apps” at the right side of the menu. By default it contains some apps like Groove Music, Movies&TV, News, Flipboard, Calendar, Twitter, Weather, Smartphone & PC games, OneNote etc. If you installed new apps via windows store, it will come to this area.


This is post about the Windows 10 start menu which is really improved from the windows 7/8 system. You can find the basic options contained in your new start menu and its functions. The search bar and start menu are always connected well, because when you open the start menu, it will automatically enable for getting the any search phrases for finding it on your computer as well as in the internet. In the upcoming tutorials, you can find the windows 10 tutorials with detailed images and videos.

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